About Me

A picture of Jonathan Stoll on a cliff overlooking the ocean in La Jolla.

Welcome to my portfolio website! To give some background on my life, my name is Jonathan Stoll and I am a 26 year old chemist/aspiring web developer from Atlanta, Georgia. I enjoy traveling, live music, meditation, microbreweries, politics, pups, EPL soccer (let's go Gunners), and basketball (no king James haters allowed). Although I've been practicing web development on my own for the better part of a year, I recently decided to dive into the immersive full stack web development program offered through Georgia Tech. I'm hoping to gain the skills needed to further my career and pursue my passions.

One passion in particular that I have come to love is healthcare LIS/LIMS systems. This is in part due to the fact that I have been given the opportunity to work on the user acceptance/testing end of my company's information management system. In recent decades, these systems have predominantly moved to browser based applications that offer powerful capabilities not seen in past softwares. Unfortunately, many of these browser based systems run on outdated languages that offer dismal wait times and clunky UI's. My goal is to graduate from the full stack web development program with the knowledge needed to improve and even recreate these systems from scratch. With the development of newer technologies and integration of up-to-date languages, millions more patients could benefit, and healthcare organizations can save enormous amounts of time and money.